Effect of Antibacterial And Non-Antibacterial Hand Soap


The purpose of this experiment was to compare the effect of anti-bacterial and non-anti-bacterial hand soap on the amount of bacteria on the hands.

I became interested in this idea when I was watching television and I saw ads for hand soaps that said they killed 99.9% of bacteria after washing your hands. I also wondered why my mom was so concerned about people washing their hands.

The information gained from this experiment could help doctors, nurses, parents, and children. No one wants to get sick! It is important to protect people from diseases.


My first hypothesis was that anti-bacterial hand soap would remove more bacteria than non-anti-bacterial hand soap.

My second hypothesis was that non-anti-bacterial hand soap would remove at least 50% of bacteria from the washed hands.

I based my hypotheses on a Compton’s Encyclopedia article on bacteria which said that one bacterium could produce over 1,000,000,000 more after 24 hours, and that not one hand soap could remove all bacteria from your hands.

The constants in this study were:

•    The amount of time spent washing hands

•    The motion of washing hands

•    The approximate strength used to wash hands

•    The amount of hand soap used (2 ml.)

•    The temperature of the water

•    The pressure of the water

•    Time incubating

•    The temperature of the incubator

•    The number of blood agar plates used to culture bacteria

The manipulated variable was the type of hand soap: Anti-bacterial vs. Non-Anti-Bacterial

The responding variable was the number of colonies of bacteria on agar plates after being inoculated with samples from the hands.

To measure the responding variable, I counted the colonies of bacteria on the plates after they were incubated for 24 hours.

sterile swabs
bottle of anti-bacterial hand soap
bottle of non-anti-bacterial hand soap
lab coats
pairs of gloves
blood agar plates


1.    Gather the signed permission slips

2.    Get the materials

3.    Obtain the subjects

4.    Swab the subject’s left hand (5 times in a left/right direction, 5 times in an     upward/downward motion)

5.    Put swab away in bag marked with subject’s number and hand (L/R)

6.    Repeat steps 4,5 on the rest of the subjects

7.    Show the subjects the method to wash their hands (10 seconds on the top, 10 seconds on the palm, 10 seconds between the fingers,
10 seconds rinsing)

8. Have the subjects’ wash their hands with anti-bacterial hand soap in water, under the same  sink

9.    Swab the subject’s right hand (5 times in a left/right direction, 5 times in an upward/downward motion)

10.     Repeat step 5

11. Repeat steps 4-10 with non-anti-bacterial hand soap

12.    Rub/twirl one swab onto one blood agar plate in an up/down motion

13.     Turn the plate 45 degrees

14.     Repeat steps 11 and 12 for each bag, with same label as the bag

15.     Place blood agar plates into the incubator for 72 hours

16.     Come back to the hospital in 72 hours

17.     Take blood agar plates out of incubator

18.     Count colonies with naked eye under a white light

19.     Record data

The original purpose of this experiment was to determine the effect of antibacterial and non-antibacterial hand soaps on the amount of bacteria on the hands.

The results of the experiment were that the non-antibacterial soap removed more bacteria than the antibacterial soap.  Also, the non-antibacterial hand soap did remove more than 50% of the bacteria.


My first hypothesis was that anti-bacterial hand soap would remove more bacteria than non-anti-bacterial hand soap.

The results indicate that this hypothesis should be rejected, because the amount of bacteria on the blood agar plates with antibacterial soap was greater than the plates with non-antibacterial testing.

My second hypothesis was that non-anti-bacterial hand soap would remove at least 50% of bacteria from the washed hands. This hypothesis should be accepted.

After thinking about the results of this experiment, I wonder if different brands would change the results of this experiment. I also wonder if the amount of time spent washing would reduce more bacteria.
If I were to conduct this project again, I would test a different brand of soap, and try to see which active ingredient removed more bacteria.

Researched by--- Joseph R


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