Magic Butterfly !

Articles Required: A • thin cardboard sheet, two small coins, adhesive tape, one broom-straw.
What about having a 'magic but­terfly' that can sit on your fingertip without any support? Try making it today itself because it's very simple.
First of all, cut out a cardboard piece in the shape of a butterfly. Now paste a white paper on it and paint in pretty 'butterfly' colours.

Now paste a coin each under butter­fly's two wings as shown in the fig­ure. Also paste the broom straw right in its centre with its ends pro­truding a little from its mouth and tail. Well, your 'magic' butterfly is ready. If the coins have been pasted in such a way that its centre of grav­ity falls on the top of its head, it can be balanced on the tip of your fore­finger very easily to enchant every­body present around you.


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